Give yourself some grace

I am always so hard on myself! Constantly striving for perfectionism and for my best to be better each day.

What exactly is our best? We seem to put these unattainable high standards in our head and why? I feel that those thoughts just create more stress and anxiety within and then worse yet if my shortcomings are noticed by me, then surely the external world must see them as well! If I am not getting positive praise from someone or recognition, then I must have failed today.

Why can’t my best simply be . . . whatever my best is that day?

My best is me showing up! It is simply “me” putting in an honest effort! My best is “me” being the very best version that I can be on that day! I think we all need to acknowledge that our “best” is constantly changing.

We really need to allow ourselves more grace. Knowing that by simply just showing up and being the very best version of ourselves on each day is our best! Showing up for yourself in whatever manner. Knowing and honoring your intuition. Your true self.

Recognizing that we are all human and just simply thanking yourself for just SHOWING UP.

I wonder if we often forget to recognize how amazing that act is?

It’s so important to express gratitude that you had enough strength today to show up. Be grateful that you have a body that is strong and energized to propel you through your day. Be grateful that your mind is resilient, that your heart is full and able to spread love to others.

In the bigger picture isn’t this your best?

Be Fearless, Be You

Leave the ego at the doorstep! The ego is not welcome!

I know, I know, easier said than done! I often get caught up in the ego mind, thinking that my best should be to get better each day no matter what obstacles I face. My best shouldn’t be the illusion of someone else’s expectations to perform at an unrealistic level either.

Wouldn’t it be easier if our best was based on an internal evaluation? Not comparing it to others or even comparing yourself to last week. Essentially your best is rated on a sliding scale.

The scale would move each day based on external factors and challenges. To be honest, my best changes every day based on a million different factors and I am sure that is the case for many.

Did I get enough sleep, am I tired, did I wake refreshed, what food did I consume, did I forget to drink enough water, too much work, too much tv, mentally burnt out from work. Or maybe I am feeling refreshed from a good sleep, my water intake was on point, work is manageable, family is operating on cruise control, I read a good book last night, and the energy in my home is feeling good.

All these factors in life affect us. They affect our vibrational energy that we must parlay. Our avatar and how well-nourished it is to move throughout the day. They affect whether our heart and soul are well nurtured so that we can feel confident to put ourselves out into the world. They affect our brain and how we manage the day to day life challenges.

I will show up differently each day. My husband even says, “I wonder which Shanna I am going to get today?”. (Insert eye roll here)

I am learning to honor this feeling and give myself grace. I know I say this a lot, (and really it is a reminder for me more than anyone) but we must let go of the timelines, the constraints and standards we put on ourselves. We are constantly growing, learning, evolving and with all that our best is always changing with it. There is nothing wrong with us if we are having an off day or an off week. Growth is hard. Allow yourself grace and know that you are showing up and being the very best version of you that you can be. That version is oh so amazing! That version of you is beautiful, strong, resilient, caring, loving and best of all . . . It’s you!

On a sliding scale, I give you all an A+

My Practice:

When I am feeling “let down” by a situation, I reflect and journal on the following:

We cannot control how the external world perceives our daily accomplishments. We can only control how we feel and the standards we set for ourselves.

Regularly check in with yourself and ask if you put forth your best effort today. If you did then that is good enough. You can honor that and be proud of yourself.

If you didn’t, know that you have the power within you to change and show up differently tomorrow.

My Prayer:

Dear Universe/God/Higher Power

I give you permission to work with me today. Help me be the very best version of me that I can be. Show me how to shine my light. To let go of my ego and only work, speak and act from the heart. knowing that simply by showing up today, I have succeeded.

Please clear away all my stress, anxiety, self-doubt, worries and negative self-talk!

Please fill me up with positivity, love, light and confidence.

Let’s have an amazing, high vibes, beautiful kind of day for myself and for everyone around me.

As as always my friends, please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or comments. Or if you need a little one on one help, I am hear for you!

XX – Sincerely Shanna

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