Kindness Looks Good On You

Be kind to yourself, you are doing the best you can at this moment. 

Right now, I feel like the energies are really heavy around us. Obviously, everything is up the air and life feels harder! But with all that being said, I think it is important we remember to be kind. Be kind to ourselves, and others.

I often wonder if I give off the impression to others that I have it all figured out. Here is my little secret . . . I truly don’t!

Every day is a constant challenge for me to step outside into the world with all my insecurities. Spending my days giving off the appearance to the world that I am a strong, confident, beautiful woman that knows her path and exudes happiness. I often think that people look at my life and marriage and wonder how’d I get so lucky. People see the exterior avatar and make judgement based on what they see.

In reality . . .

I suffer from intense anxiety and a lot of insecurities. I am a major introvert that must push herself every single day to just “be”. The simple errands I need to perform on a daily almost cripple me. Over the years I have kept all these feelings to myself. I exit my house every day and pretend to be someone I am not as a coping mechanism.

My marriage has also come with its share of big hurdles and honestly beat me up internally (we will save that for a later post). I am so proud of our marriage and all the hard work we have put in. We truly deserve the happiness we have today. (I really did win the jackpot on this one)

white printer paper with be kind text on plants
Photo by Lisa Fotios on

In my day to day

I can’t say I am 100% happy with where I am in life physically and emotionally. I really want more! (hence this blog) My whole life I’ve struggled with this annoying feeling of constant self doubt. It has held me back and filled me anxiety everyday. The anxiety has me questioning if my best is my best, If I am doing all I can do and If the version of me I present to the world is the very best version of me. 

Everyday I choose to be kind and to honor myself where I am at. I know that each day may be different and will have its obstacles, but that is okay. Coming to terms where I am at and being okay with it is a huge win for me.

Let’s throw out another life curve ball shall we. . . “The Pandemic”. The world is constantly changing, and where I live the restrictions/rules change from week to week. It’s so hard mentally on all of us. We can’t make plans, visit with friends and family like we used to, or be a part of a healthy society like we have always known and taken for granted in the past. The simple pleasures like getting our hair done or shopping seems to come with a list of hurdles. It all is taking a toll and is truly wearing on us. 

I feel like as human beings we all have our own internal battles – and as it turns out, these are just mine to work through. I work really hard everyday to not let it take over. The best way that I know to start is by re-writing all the negative self talk that I have going on. Therefore, I choose to be a kind human being (because kindness attracts kindness), and to be empathetic. Some days it’s easier than others, some days I’m met with hard-headed jerks, and other days I’m met by earth angles. 

It’s hard work to keep showing up for yourself. With that being said, know that you’re not alone.

Things to remind yourself of daily . . . 

  • Emotions are everywhere lately, and you are not alone with that. Feel all the feels and honor how you are feeling. It’s okay to have ALL the spectrum of emotions.
  • Connect yourself to a higher spirit. This keeps me grounded and I find comfort in it. Find a source that resonates with you and where you feel most supported.
  • Let go of judgement on yourself. Know that your circumstances today do not define you. Meet them with grace, but don’t let them hold you down.
  • It’s okay not to always be happy. If you’re sad/mad/angry/or depressed, be okay with letting yourself be that way for a day. Ask yourself, what do you need most today? And honor it. Tomorrow is a new day, come back better then.
  • Find humor wherever you can. Laughter is the best medicine.
  • Connect with family and friends! Let’s support each other and help bring each other up.
  • Find a routine or practice that supports you and lifts you up.

And lastly . . .

  • Be the little light in the room! Let people know you appreciate them. Especially your loved ones. ‘Cause Kindness looks good on you 😉

If you are feeling anxiety or any other mental health. Speak to someone, anyone. Know you are not alone. And that you are brave to speak up.

My Practice:

Pause for one minute. One hand on your heart, one on your belly. Breathe (in for a count of 4, Hold for 4, and out for 4)

Ask yourself . . . What can I add to my life to show myself more kindness? Big or little.

My Prayer:

Thank you, Universe / God/Higher Power, for blessing me with this beautiful mind, body and soul. For allowing me to show up as the very best version of me that I can be. For showing me the light and helping be the light for others.

I ask that you remove all negativity around me and to replace it with everything and anything positive. Please remove all the negative self talk, and fill me up with love, light and kindness. Please remove all hate that I might be carrying and replace it with love and light. I am now choosing to be kind to myself and to others. Lets all lead by example and allow kindness to shine the way.

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