Faith over Fear

Choose one step for yourself

Over the years I have been very dedicated in setting my goals and intentions. I would write them out and release them into the universe expecting that’s all I needed to do – you know . . . “put it out there”.

Believe in it and let it go!

I would have that frame of mind . . . “I have done my part” . . . “now it is your turn Universe” Bring on the magic…. “C’mon, I am waiting . . . What’s taking so long”. That’s where things would end up going wrong for me. Yes, there’s a certain act of surrendering to the process and letting go. But there is also the very important act of doing. This is where it can get tricky, trying to find that beautiful middle ground of acting and letting go. We so often forget to use that important tool that we carry called TRUST! and when we do, we see that no matter what the scenario is, the universe always has our back! Continuously working in our favour to produce the most desirable results for us. Even if we haven’t seen the outcome yet.

I believe we all want the easy street. I totally do! If someone wanted to gift me millions and millions of dollars, I would gladly receive it. Let’s be honest money doesn’t create happiness, but it really does make things a lot easier.

So where do things sometimes go astray? We have these dreams to do things, whether it’s an activity, a new job, a new business, attending a new class, a social activity, making more money, whatever it is. We write it down, then we set it out into the universe, and we say, “yeah it’s coming”.

But then we don’t do anything to move forward and for me that’s where fear takes over. The fear of what people are going to think? Can I actually accomplish this? Will I look like a failure? Will people like me? This is going to be too hard! What happens if I don’t achieve? Will I let my family down? All this negative self talk just keeps rolling through our bodies and our minds. The interesting part is that the more we think like this the more we attract this type of energy – “The Can’t Energy”. A very low vibrational energy.

I recently have gone through this shift with a decision I made. The fear was taking over to the point I was losing sleep.

But instead, I think that we need to take this fear-based energy that’s within us and package it up and use it for faith-based energy instead! Feeling the fear and having faith anyways.

Instead of saying I can’t do this – say I trust you universe, that I can do this! I don’t know if this is possible and flip it to, I think if I just do one step it might be possible.

And then just continue to do one step and then another step and then another step and then maybe eventually this craziness that you thought was totally impossible and ridded you with fear is the opposite.

So, it’s the challenge of feeling the fear and doing it anyways, feeling the self doubt and believe anyways, feel the unknowing and trust anyways.

I am big in neutralizing our feelings as of late. Recognizing when we need to act and when we need to receive. Learning to embrace all the emotions through the process of life but letting go of always forcing the positive out of myself. I don’t need to always be positive. Nor do I need to beat myself up and be negative about my situations. Rather I need to lean into neutralizing those energies.

Let’s be honest when we are living in perfect alignment, neither emotions are a forced one. They are simply a state of being.

And if we really think about it. There are only two emotions that exist. Fear & Love

We can choose to live in a fear state of anxiety, worry, self doubt or we can choose to live in a love state with hope, prosperity and joy.

Leaning into our intuition and trusting that by taking this ONE step in the right direction, might have the ripple effect we need to see and reach our goals.

My husband and I were talking about cold showers awhile back. And the health benefits related to them. It’s proven to help with fatigue, joints, inflammation, metabolism and it’s totally energizes and re-caffeinate you. But we were talking about the mental benefit of this. The fact that it’s a 3O second cold shower and you must mentally prep yourself to do this. It’s not an easy task, because let’s be honest, if you could choose to have a hot shower vs cold shower, we’re always going to choose a hot shower.

That hot shower feels good, feels easy, feels safe. But the mental build up to say I’m going to try this cold shower and I am going to conquer it is huge! After you have done that cold shower and you put yourself through the pain of the uncomfortable, when you’re done you come out with a sense of victory, a sense of self accomplishment, a sense of “I can do this!” Just a “simple” 30 second cold shower really can get your brain believing in the “I can”. to believe in yourself, to accomplish one thing and hold a sense of victory and energy of, nothing can stop me now.

And you can take this high vibing energy and let it propel you throughout your day.

This might come off as a little strange, but I have been using the technique of taking cold showers to help change my belief system. This method is definitely not glamorous and the portion of convincing myself to get in and do it is nothing short of a miracle but truth be told it has been a great tool for me and I feel it’s put me one step closer in the right direction to creating those positive vibrations of can-do‘s. Just try it . . . Face the Fear, face that cold shower and see what happens.

Check out this great article for some more insights on hydrotherapy:

I have been facing my fears daily by putting myself out there. I had a dream to write, to share my experiences and maybe help inspire people. The fear is crippling inside. The thought of people judging me. Reading my inner thoughts and possibly hating them. This fear feels like a punch in the stomach. I get the feeling daily. But I want the after more than I want to live in the unknown of not trying. If I don’t try, I will always feel incomplete.

The unknown would hurt more than the fear.

All I want to do is write my story, which helps me and therefore might help/inspire someone who feels the same way or going through a similar journey.

As I mentioned, I was faced with a decision this week that fear was trying to overtake. A decision that ultimately will help me to grow my writing and this journey. So why wouldn’t I jump in whole heartedly? It’s scary, the unknown. But ultimately, I allowed intuition to lead the way.

And I Jumped . . . .

Jump into your dreams with faith
Photo by Fröken Fokus on

After taking that one baby step, I have to say the universe answered and has been giving me “gifts” of encouragement. Loving messages from strangers and friends and that has sparked new inspiration, internal peace. Just to name a few.

In closing, I’m just an utterly, normal, simple person. But I’ve been through it! (I haven’t even gotten to some of the real dark shit I’ve pulled myself out of).  But it’s about the baby step process. I’m taking one baby step each day to write and create my blog. To create a group of inspired individuals. A group of people who want nothing more than to fill each other up! To BELIEVE in each other – support each other and help share the faith.

So, I challenge you, to face your fears and feel it anyways!

Set the goal, write the intention and take the one baby step each day. I’d love to hear about all your fears, current journey and triumphs

Leave me a comment or send me a message. Let’s fill each other up as we move forward each day.

My Practice

Feeling stagnant or low on energy. Put on your favorite song, dance, sing, move. Do whatever you have to do. Something so simple will change your mindset.  Next, grab your journal.

Write down, “What’s the worst that can happen?”

  • Write it all out in point form.  Remember it doesn’t need to be perfect looking.
  • Review the list. Now I think you will find that they really aren’t that bad.
  • If these “bad things” were to happen how could I adjust? i.e. I tried to be an entrepreneur and it doesn’t work – corrective action – go get a job.

Now for fun let’s write out all the good that can come from this. How is this all going to make you feel what energy is it going to bring to your life? What excitement do you feel around it? 

When you are finished writing, read over all the goodness and then just close your eyes and allow that happiness to fill you up. Allow that happiness to flow through your body. Now keep the high energy in you. Challenge yourself to stay positive, to try and remember the universe has your back! Surrender to the process and have faith it will all work out. If not, maybe not exactly as you planned but maybe even better.

Lastly – Keep your word to yourself!

Do you know how much is available to you, how much you can succeed when you simply keep your word to yourself?

My Prayer:

If you feel those negative thoughts creeping in. Send them away. Say out loud to the universe/god/high power

 “Thank you, but please return to the sender with love and light for these thoughts are not needed nor wanted. Please fill me up with love, light and positivity instead. Fill me up with the power of knowing I CAN”

And above all else . . . . Remember to have Faith over Fear

XOXO, Sincerely Shanna

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