Personal Truths & Our Own Realities

Our personal truths/beliefs are held deep in our subconscious right down into our soul

Our physical reality is a reflection of our own personal truths. What we feel, believe and tell ourselves, projects outwards.

If our truth is our belief, then the importance of our thoughts on whether they are positive or negative will have such an importance. Poor thoughts are a catalyst that can sabotage our very well being on every level. The verbal abuse against oneself or towards others causes cracks in our internal foundation. This will create a landslide of unperceived issues.

These issues could show up as

  • Constant Negative Dialogue
  • Lack of fulfillment
  • Unable to receive abundance
  • Misalignment of ones life path
white wings hanging on wall
Photo by cottonbro on

These underlying emotions of constantly wondering why everything just doesn’t seem to “flow” organically can leave a person feeling helpless.

Furthermore, when feelings of irritation or annoyance from others come to the surface. We can conclude, those are often signs of internal issues being mirrored back to oneself as our own truths.

It’s important to acknowledge, that in order for us to see these traits clearly we must first view them in someone else. What we recognize as a weakness or as vulnerability in others is our own reflection of our own subconscious vulnerability.

Essentially we are triggered by others because we are familiar with these traits and would like to resolve them in ourselves.

Therefore, we must ask . . . what are we denying ourselves?

(Let that sink in)

It is a lot healthier to be aware, then to be naïve of our own reality.

When you notice them arise and want to push all the negative thought patterns aside, acknowledge them, recognize them, but do not judge.

Taking the time to simply being aware, will remove the metaphorical “MASK” of our personal truths. Of course, our views will take a completely different turn when we can step back and see the entire picture, rather than just small clips.

Being honest with oneself and seeing the common patterns help us to make changes to our personal truths which in turn changes our reality.

This practice is not an easy one; to look past all the negativity, to see the reality and then not judge oneself or others.

As it is a work in progress . . .  

Remember the key word here is “PROGRESS”. The definition states that it is the “happening or developing gradually or in stages; proceeding step by step”.

It may come as a struggle, to observe our own growth without judgement. To fully and completely love ourselves. But to do so, is a beautiful skill that will take time, but I think it is time well spent!

Our choices of what we believe to be true will have a huge impact on the way we carry ourselves and how we make decisions. Once all that mental shifting has taken place, what’s left is the large part that makes up our own personal reality.

Our goal in this lifetime is not to be perfect but to learn and evolve. In order to change one’s beliefs, we need to be aware of these conditions and grow from them. Acknowledging those negative thoughts can be empowering and help us to be wiser in deciding which path is to be chosen next.

My Practice:

Work on being present and teaching yourself to tune into your intuition. The inner voice inside of you is a very powerful tool. This voice is your soul talking to you and it always knows what is best.

Take some time to Journal tonight on the traits in others that bother you, or scenarios in your life that really trigger a negative emotion. Are you denying yourself something? And if so why?

Ask the universe/god/higher power for help and guidance to clear your pathway to your truth.

Time to trust your intuition and soul!

It will always have the right answers for you. Using this divine guidance is an internal compass that leads us to our souls’ purpose. When we trust our intuition and lean into it, magical things can shift in our lives.

My Tapping:

Tapping on this emotion/trigger will help see if you can shift your energies and get the flow moving again.

Close your eyes and be creative with your phrasing to Tap on, but an example could be:

Even though I feel a sense of lack in my life, I deeply and completely accept myself.

Sincerely Shanna

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