Stop going to war with yourself

I feel like I’m always in a battle with my ego (the head) and my Soul (the heart). They’re literally at war with each other. One says, “go for it” and the other says “you can’t do that”.

What this does is cause nothing but internal stress….and for what? A constant battle between the heart and the ego! Then on top of that you spend all your time analyzing the cycle….it never stops. I wonder if we just trusted the process, trusted our first instinct and knew that no matter what the outcome, we would be just supported by the universe.

I often wonder how much easier life would be if we let the heart take the reins? Instead of letting that damn head and all the over analyzing come into play and take over! How much more aligned do you think our lives would be if we just listened and just simply tuned into our heart’s desires?

Would we find more ease?

Do we make life harder on ourselves?

I know this is the case for me. I look back at some of the “life-changing” decisions I have made in the past. And when a choice was first presented to me, I already knew in my gut what the answer was. Immediately! But instead of looking inwards and trusting that gut decision. I would delay it and flounder back and forth on what to do. In the end making the decision process that much harder. I do this a lot. 99% of the time, if I would just tell ego “to take a hike” I think I would have a little more internal peace.

Anyone else relate?

And yes, sometimes pondering a decision is helpful. Especially if an immediate answer doesn’t “hit” me, then I like to really connect and decide. My process usually involves some sort of disconnect from the actual decision I am about to make. I will leave my desk, go for a walk, meditate, journal, get a yoga session in. Something to get out of my head and into my heart.

My heart always has the answers. I don’t know why I ever doubt it.

On the contrary, have you ever ignored your gut? You know that feeling you get, when you are like, “something doesn’t feel right”, yet you still do the thing, and then something kind of crappy happens in the end. Making life a little harder on you. Those moments, where it is obvious that we should have trusted our gut. Talk about a nice life lesson. Hopefully these life lessons aren’t too hard on us and cost us too much money or time. I have had a couple for sure.

Knowing the difference between the ego and heart are vital in living a more intuitive life. We often look to external sources. When all along the answers are inside of us. It’s fun to use outside signs like number sequences, animals, songs, synchronicities etc to help us to find the answers. But learning to listen to your inner voice, the inner soul, where the wisdom comes from is an infinite gift. Your soul has been around a lot longer than your current avatar has here on earth. Learn to trust it. 

I know that when I am out of whack, it means I have stepped out of alignment. If I was living a heart centered life, I would not hold any doubts in my decision. Only my ego holds doubts. So, when I am feeling challenged, I remember to hold on, believe, surrender to the universe and then just love and trust that life is happening for me – not to me!

Things to Remember to help keep you aligned


  • All about the me me me – and super competitive
  • Usually full of anger, jealousy, blame, hate
  • Concentrates too much on the past
  • Denial or victim mentality
  • Is looking for a “prize” or “award” – always lusting after something
  • Usually not aligned with a higher spirit or source.


  • Looks to create community, love, friendship & happiness
  • Is empathetic, compassionate, kind and full of love
  • Is quiet, humble and self accepting
  • Loves the journey more then the end result
  • Lives in harmony and is connected to a higher source

I am a constant work in progress. Even though I am better today than I was 10 years ago, I sometimes still need reminders to come back to my heart.

My Practice

Get in touch with your soul. How? Quiet your mind. Set out time for you to disconnect. No phones, Instagram, or TV. I love doing this first thing in the morning before the chaos and distractions of the day start.

Meditate and Journal

Meditation is essentially meant to quiet the mind/ego so that we can listen to the heart. Here where we sit, we can hear or find the answers our heart is speaking to us. Meditation is a hard practice. It’s a daily struggle to quiet my mind. But I have learned along the way that it doesn’t have to be the same each day. Some days, it’s 5 minutes of bliss, others I can sit deeply for 20, and one of my favourite forms of meditation is moving meditation. Yoga helps me get into my breath and out of my head. I am always less foggy afterwards. I also find clearing my head and taking a walk outside is helpful, sometimes with a mantra in my head – it really allows the answers to flow to me.

In the end trust yourself, your soul will have all the answers you need to get clarity in your life. To help solve all your problems.

When you are truly living a soul aligned life, you are more connected to a higher source, life flows easier, and it feels more inspired.

My Prayer

Dear Universe/God/Higher Power,

Help me kick ego to the curb! It’s not serving me. Help me lead my life with my heart. Help me trust my gut and help me shine my light outwards. To believe in myself – to be me! To believe in my path and trust that I’m always guided. Tell my ego to go on a permanent holiday, it’s my time to shine! It’s time I show my light to the world and help spread it for others. Thank you ego, but it’s time to go!

If so inspired, Journal on this prayer afterwards. See what comes through your writing.

My Tapping

If you are into tapping and need a script . . . Mine is something like this.

Even though I am unsure of my next step and I am full of fear, I deeply and completely accept myself.

All this fear, all the unknowns, how do I trust myself, what happens if I fail, what will people say, all this worry I have, all this anxiety, I am unsure of my next best step

Maybe it will all work out, what will happen if this is meant to be, maybe I will be supported, I will learn, I will grow, I will flourish, I am always protected

I am safe, I can relax, I choose to know that everything is going to be okay, I am protected, I am guided to what is best for me, life is abundant, life is good.

Email me if you would like some more assistance on tuning into your inner guidance or help with mediation, journaling, EFT.

Remember to forgive yourself for past indecisions and allow yourself to move forward. Let your beautiful light shine through.

Let your light lead the way!


  1. Shanna, this was a beautiful start to my morning! Thank you for this.
    I love the practice, prayer and tapping. Such great tools in a time when we need grounding most ❤️ Keep sharing girl. Xo

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